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Aborted Human Fetal Cells in Vaccines

Posted by ObeMike Tuesday, September 21, 2010

by: Catherine J. Frompovich

Doctor Nancy Snyderman, a very attractive, gregarious and outgoing physician, has real TV presence in more ways than one. Friday, September 17, 2010 Dr. Snyderman appeared on the MSNBC Today Show and promoted vaccines in a segment titled Vaccines 101 in a manner to which I personally took umbrage, especially when she said there was a small amount of medicine in the shot and the “rest is water or salt water.” Hel-l-l-o-o-o!

To hear Doctor Snyderman’s remarks that made me wonder, please access this link . It’s a little over six minutes of what I call “medical spin” that sounds valid but, inadvertently, I think misleads because of non-disclosure. Why? Well, my answer is this.

I’ve been researching consumer health for over thirty-five years and I’ve found more in vaccines than I think Doctor Snyderman may want the public to know about or healthcare consumers have the right to know.

For example, cells from aborted human fetuses. I’m certain if most parents knew that about vaccines, they would have second thoughts about getting their kids vaccinated. How does the Roman Catholic Church regard the use of aborted fetuses in vaccines since it opposes abortion? Good question?

Muslim populations in Indonesia now are getting vaccine-phobia because they found out that the vaccines they’ve been injected with for the last ten years or so contain porcine/pig DNA, an item/food that is anathema to them and which they eliminate from their dietary because of religious beliefs.

According to Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute, these vaccines contain aborted human fetus cells:

  • Polio Vaccines: Pentacel, DT Polio Absorbed, Quadracel—all by Sanofi
  • Measles, Mumps, Rubella Vaccines:  MMR II, Meruvax II, MRVax, Biovax, ProQuad, MMR-V all Merck vaccines Priorix and Erolalix by GlaxoSmithKline
  • Varicella Vaccines for Chickenpox or Shingles: Verivax, ProQuad, MMR-V, and Zostavax all by Merck Varilix by GSK
  • Hepatitis Vaccines: Vaqta by Merck Havrix and Twinrix by GSK Avaxim and Vivaxim by Sanofi Epaxal by Crucell/Berna
  • Rabies Vaccine: Imovax by Sanofi

Furthermore, there seems to be a correlation between the use of aborted human fetal cells with the coincidental rise of autism. Several online articles corroborate that coincidence, e.g., Timing of Increased Autistic Disorder Cumulative Incidence by Michael E. McDonald and John F. Paul, NHEERL/EPA, February 2010, Vol. 44, Environmental Science & Technology.

I encourage parents to investigate vaccine ingredients also known as adjuvants, excipients, and growing mediums for which I have six full pages listing some “things” that go into vaccines.
I think it’s about time that everyone involved in pushing vaccines levels with the healthcare consumer: Vaccines are not as safe as they are purported to be, and the public has a right to know that; what they contain; and to make an informed consent choice about allowing such things as formaldehyde, mercury, aluminum, antibiotics, foreign DNA from monkeys, pigs, and now insects, plus an entire shopping list of other toxic ingredients from being injected into one’s children or oneself. Doctor Snyderman, there’s more than water or salt water in vaccines! I hope you realize that.

Please contact your members of Congress and ask them for an investigation into the manufacture of vaccines, their adjuvants, excipients, and growing mediums before any mandates go out that we must vaccinate our kids by law. We deserve that kind of transparency and not bureaucratic, corporate, and media spin.

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