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You've heard it before, how the pharmaceutical industry has a giant "revolving door" through which corporations and government agencies frequently exchange key employees. That reality was driven home in a huge way today when news broke that Dr. Julie Gerberding, who headed the CDC from 2002 through 2009, landed a top job with Merck, one of the largest drug companies in the world. Her job there? She's the new president of the vaccine division.

How convenient. That means the former head of the CDC was very likely cultivating a relationship with Merck all these years, and now comes the big payoff: Heading up a $5 billion division that sells cervical cancer vaccines (like Gardasil), chickenpox vaccines and of course H1N1 swine flu vaccines, too.

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Source: American Chronicle
By Christina England

The panic buttons have been pressed and the public have panicked but instead of this enormous pandemic, killing hundreds of thousands of people worldwide, we have seen very few deaths from the giant ‘pig’ of a disease that we were threatened with and instead we have seen a mere ‘piglet’ of a disease as it was described recently, killing far fewer people than a normal flu outbreak.

Many of us, have been left wondering if instead of a the killer pandemic , the Swine Flu, was little more than a ruse to tuck yet another vaccine into the already crammed full schedule. If so, it has certainly been effective, as a vaccine to protect us all from this deadly disease appeared as if by magic and was advertised as the must have protection against this ‘killing machine’ of an illness. However, it appears that the Swine Flu is not the threat that we were led to believe and has since disappeared into little more than a whimper of an illness.

Channel 4 news reported that only 6,200 people worldwide have died from swine flu. These were the figures reported by the World Heath Organisation. However these figures are extremely minimal when compared to those deaths expected to be seen from an annual flu epidemic.

The WHO have also reported that worldwide, Influenza kills about 250,000 to 500,000 people in an annual epidemic.

The Daily Mail reported that the Swine Flu pandemic has turned out to be less lethal than first feared. “About 1 percent of the population in England has had swine flu with symptoms, of which 0.026 percent died, the research added.”

Well that certainly puts things into perspective doesn’t it?

The H1N1 vaccine that was brought in to protect the world against this so called ‘monster disease’ on the other hand has proved to be yet ‘another vaccine disaster’ as adverse reactions from around the world rise at an alarming rate. Deaths and serious side affects have been reported worldwide including Guillain Barre Syndrome and Anaphylaxis.

One leaked document which turned out to be a swine flu vaccine insert, shows admissions of Guillain Barre Syndrome, Anaphylaxis, Death, and much more.

Profitable Harm Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccine

This is extremely worrying as this proves beyond doubt that these adverse reactions were clearly known about before these vaccines were given to vulnerable groups of the general public. These include the chronically ill, babies, the elderly and pregnant women. This also makes the following adverse reactions from around the world even more tragic.

The China Daily reported that China mainland has seen 3,631 adverse reactions from the vaccine.

The Flu Case report that in Sweden 5 people are said to have died after the swine flu shot compared with only 3 that have died from the complications of the Swine flu itself.

The Daily Telegraph has reported that one person has died after the swine flu vaccine and 1300 have had adverse reactions.

Dr Mercola reports that deaths and serious side affects including GBS from around the world are now beginning to emerge.

The Canadian press are still reporting problems with the vaccine stating they now have had 24 cases of anaphylaxis after the swine flu vaccine and one reported death.

MSNBC reports that a teen now suffers from the rare illness Guillain Barre Syndrome after becomming ill just hours after after the shot.

The Mail on Sunday reported this week that because of adverse reactions the UK Government has recommended that children receiving the swine flu vaccine should now only be given half the original dose.

One paragraph from this article states

“Meanwhile, the medicines watchdog.the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency MHRA, reported four people had died after receiving the Pandemrix vaccine, although all had serious underlying health conditions and the deaths are not being linked to the jab.”

No disrespect here but of course the people who died after the vaccine had underlying illnesses, as these are the people that are currently being vaccinated.

As shown on the Government website

“Swine flu vaccinations have begun for people in high-risk groups, such as people with chronic conditions and pregnant women. You will be contacted by your GP if you are in a high-risk category. Vaccination of children under the age of five will begin once vaccination of these groups is complete.”

It seems to me that Governments target the most vulnerable first and then when they die they immediately blame the underlying cause as being the reason for their death. This is in my opinion to divert attention away from the vaccine in a deliberate attempt to mislead the public.

In the UK midwives are so concerned about this vaccine that they are refusing to vaccinate the pregnant women in their care despite warnings.

The Telegraph reports that Members of the online forum Mumsnet had said that their midwives had told them ‘not to touch the vaccine with a barge pole’.

On Mumsnet David Salisbury from the JCVI and the Department of Health had this to say:-

“DavidSalisbury: We do recommend that pregnant women with flu risk factors should be vaccinated every year and we know that seasonal flu vaccine is safe in pregnant women. With H1N1 swine flu virus it is clear that younger people are more likely to get the disease as opposed to seasonal flu that mostly affects older people. Some of those younger people are going to be pregnant.

The latest WHO advice shows that between 7% and 10% of all hospitalised patients are pregnant women in their second or third trimesters and pregnant women are up to 10 times more likely to need admission into intensive care than the general population.

The WHO data also shows that between 5% and 30% of the deaths are in pregnant women. This means it is really clear that pregnant women are at risk from H1N1 swine flu and it is circulating now.

We don’t test drugs or vaccines in pregnant women but we do test them on pregnant animals and this has been done with our swine flu vaccines. We also know that over 90 women became pregnant shortly after having the GSK vaccine and 50 of them have now completed their pregnancies and have normal babies. The others are still being followed up, which explains why it is so difficult to do clinical trials in pregnant women.”

So this means then if we take the worst case scenario from the figures of deaths reported by the WHO, then this actually represents 30% of 6200 people who have died from the Swine flu were pregnant, which with my mathematics is a figure of 1860 people worldwide.

Many pregnant women having had the vaccination are reporting that they have miscarried.

So are these horror stories made up? This is highly unlikely as clearly research over the years has proven it is unwise to vaccinate pregnant women.

In an article by Dr Blaylock he clearly points out the dangers of pregnant women having vaccines.

He states:-

“There is compelling research that shows that stimulating a pregnant animal during mid-term pregnancy dramatically increases the risk of the newborn having autistic or schizophrenic behaviour as it ages or reaches adulthood. The risk is increased in the order of 14-fold, which is tremendous.

We know that women who get the flu during pregnancy have a similar increase risk of their child developing autism or schizophrenia. At first, you may assume that the flu virus entering the baby’s brain would cause the effect, but careful research found that the virus does not enter the baby’s brain. Rather, it is immune cytokines from the mother’s immune reaction to the virus that causes the problem. Unlike the flu virus, the offending cytokine passes through the placenta and damages the developing brain of the baby. In essence, they found that anything that stimulated the mother’s immune system could raise the risk of autism and schizophrenia in the baby. To show that it is not the virus they stimulated the pregnant animals immune system with special chemicals alone and got the same effect.

Another set of studies found that stimulating the mother’s immune system during pregnancy not only increased the baby’s risk of having a seizure, but increased seizure risk even when the child became an adult. So we see that activating immunity, as with vaccination, can significantly raise the risk of your child having a seizure, even extending into adulthood.

Its is also known that stimulating the mother’s immune system during pregnancy can trigger preclampsia in the mother and hypertension in the baby, when the baby becomes an adult. The bottom line is vaccinating a pregnant women is vary hazardous to the mother’s health as well as the baby.

At this point you may ask but if a natural flu infection can cause this as well as vaccination, shouldn’t we protect pregnant women by vaccination? If the vaccine was effective you might make that conclusion, but there is no evidence the vaccine has any effectiveness. Pregnant women have a state of immune suppression and vaccines are notorious for not working in immune suppressed people.

Even more important is the fact that a woman’s risk of getting the flu and having the genetic risk factors for autism or schizophrenia is small overall, but if you vaccinate all pregnant women, as the CDC is calling for, you will have a large number of babies affected by autism, schizophrenia or seizures because they will all have had intense immune stimulation by the vaccine.”

Reports from all over the world are coming in about women who have miscarried shortly after they have had the swine flu vaccination. So it is a fact that these vaccinations are putting some pregnant mothers at risk. For years now we have been told not to take drugs when pregnant, not to drink when pregnant and not to smoke when pregnant but despite these warnings the drug companies promote vaccines for women who are pregnant.

To me this utter madness and totally irresponisble!

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source: www.en.rian/ru/world

MOSCOW, December 15 (RIA Novosti) - A British epidemiologist said on Tuesday he was worried by close links between World Health Organization (WHO) officials and pharmaceutical companies over swine flu.

Recent Danish media reports alleged that the WHO, which on June 11 declared swine flu a pandemic, has teamed up with pharmaceutical companies to create a scare and cash in on selling a remedy.

In an interview with Russia's, Tom Jefferson, a scientist currently based in Rome, said that although he personally did not believe in plots, "I am a bit worried about what I have observed."

He said WHO expert committees have "people with extensive ties to the industry or decision-makers who have explicitly kept on producing apocalyptic forecasts year in, year out."

Another disturbing fact, he said, was "the absence (with a few exceptions) of disclosure of competing interests during committee meetings" and in addition to that, there was a mysterious "swine flu committee of 12 who apparently advises the WHO Director General."

Jefferson also pointed to the low quality of the science base in WHO documents and selective use of evidence to make decisions, as well as the WHO's "obsession with pharmacological intervention (vaccines and antivirals)."

"It would appear that WHO has very close links to the pharmaceutical industry."

He said he and his colleagues recently demonstrated that influenza vaccines "have risen to scientific prominence probably because of the hunger of scientific journals for pharmaceutical sponsorship."

Meanwhile, there is no cause for panic, since the swine flu is "not particularly deadly."

Commenting on reports that Russian drugstores, even in Moscow, have encountered a shortage of antivirals and breathing masks, he said that masks and other barriers like hand washing and distancing were highly effective against all respiratory viruses, not just influenza.

However, he said no evidence had been found of "the action of Tamiflu or Relenza on the influenza pandemic virus."

The WHO said on Thursday some 800 people died from the A/H1N1 virus in the first week of December, bringing the death toll to 9,596.

However, every year, up to 500,000 people die from seasonal flu.

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Reports of serious side effects from the swine flu vaccine including numbness, fever, inflammation of the brain are soaring in France - but in a pattern that is repeating itself across the world, the reports are being ignored by the authorities and the mainstream media, and are instead being circulated on the internet.

One hospital doctor who was among the first to get the jab reported he had serious side effects within three days.

Another physics teacher reported that all five of the children in a class who got the jab have been absent for a week.

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Vinegar Kills Swine Flu Virus Say German Scientists

Posted by ObeMike Wednesday, December 16, 2009 0 comments

source: theflucase 

Scientists at the Institute of Virology in the Philipps University, Marburg, Germany, have shown that vinegar is able to inactivate the swine flu H1N1 virus.

The researchers found that vinegar essence killed viruses rapidly after performing a series of experiments.

A cupful of vinegar mixed with three cups of water was adequate to disinfect surfaces safety and effectively by wiping, they said.

Vinegar essence costs about 1.19 euro in stores and so is a low cost way of staying protected against any swine flu virus.

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What’s in the regular flu shot?
  • Egg proteins: including avian contaminant viruses.
  • Gelatin: can cause allergic reactions and anaphylaxis are usually associated with sensitivity to egg or gelatin.
  • Polysorbate 80 (Tween80™): can cause severe allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis. Also associated with infertility in female mice.
  • Formaldehyde: known carcinogen.
  • Triton X100: a strong detergent.
  • Sucrose: table sugar.
  • Resin: known to cause allergic reactions.
  • Gentamycin: an antibiotic
  • Thimerosal: mercury is still in multidose flu shot vials
Do flu shots work? 

Not in babies: In a review of more than 51 studies involving more than 294,000 children it was found there was "no evidence that injecting children 6-24 months of age with a flu shotwas any more effective than placebo. In children over 2 yrs, it was only effective 33% of the time in preventing the flu.
Reference: "Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy children." The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2 (2008). 

Not in children with asthma: A study 800 children with asthma, where one half were vaccinated and the other half did not receive the influenza vaccine. The two groups were compared with respect to clinic visits, emergency department (ED) visits, and hospitalizations for asthma. CONCLUSION: This study failed to provide evidence that the influenza vaccine prevents pediatric asthma exacerbations.
Reference: "Effectiveness of influenza vaccine for the prevention of asthma exacerbations." Christly, C. et al. Arch Dis Child. 2004 Aug;89(8):734-5. 

Not in children with asthma (2): "The inactivated flu vaccine, Flumist, does not prevent influenza-related hospitalizations in children, especially the ones with asthma…In fact, children who get the flu vaccine are more at risk for hospitalization than children who do not get the vaccine."
Reference: The American Thoracic Society’s 105th International Conference, May 15-20, 2009, San Diego. 

Not in adults: In a review of 48 reports including more than 66,000 adults, "Vaccination of healthy adults only reduced risk of influenza by 6% and reduced the number of missed work days by less than one day (0.16) days. It did not change the number of people needing to go to hospital or take time off work."
Reference: "Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy adults." The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 1 (2006). 

Not in the Elderly: In a review of 64 studies in 98 flu seasons, For elderly living in nursing homes, flu shots were non-significant for preventing the flu. For elderly living in the community, vaccines were not (significantly) effective against influenza, ILI or pneumonia.
Reference: "Vaccines for preventing influenza in the elderly." The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.3 (2006). 

What about the new Swine Flu shot?

Some of the new H1N1 (swine flu) vaccines are going to be made by Novartis. These shots will probably be made in PER.C6 cells (human retina cells) and contain MF59, a potentially debilitating adjuvant.  MF-59 is an oil-based adjuvant primarily composed of squalene.

All rats injected with squalene (oil) adjuvants developed a disease that left them crippled, dragging their paralyzed hindquarters across their cages. Injected squalene can cause severe arthritis (3 on scale of 4) and severe immune responses, such as autoimmune arthritis and lupus.

Ref: (1): Kenney, RT. Edleman, R. "Survey of human-use adjuvants." Expert Review of Vaccines. 2 (2003) p171.

Ref: (2): Matsumoto, Gary. Vaccine A: The Covert Government Experiment That’s Killing Our Soldiers and Why GI’s Are Only the First Victims of this Vaccine. New York: Basic Books. p54.

Federal health officials are starting to recommend that most Americans get three flu shots this fall: one regular flu shot and two doses of the vaccine made against the new swine flu strain.  School children who have never had a flu shot are targeted for four shots in the fall - twice for seasonal flu, twice for pandemic swine flu. (July 15, 2009 news)

HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius has been talking to school superintendents around the country, urging them to make plans to use buildings for mass vaccinations and for vaccinating kids first. (CBS News, June 12, 2009.)

Is Mandatory Vaccination Possible?

1946: US Public Health Service was established and Executive Order (EO) 9708 was signed, listing the communicable diseases where quarantines could be used. 1946 and 2003, cholera, diphtheria, TB, typhoid, smallpox, yellow fever, & viral hemorrhagic fevers were added.

April 4, 2003: EO 13295 added SARS to the list.

April 1, 2005: EO 13295 added "Influenza caused by novel or re-emergent influenza viruses that are causing, or have the potential to cause, a pandemic." EO 13295 also: The president gave the Sec. of HHS the power to quarantine, his or her discretion. Sec of HHS has the power to arrange for the "apprehension and examination of persons reasonably thought to be infected." A cough or a fever could put a person at risk for being quarantined for an extended period of time without recourse.

January 28, 2003: Project BioShield was introduced during Bush’s State of the Union Address. This created permanent and indefinite funding authority to develop "medical countermeasures."

The NIH was given authority to speed approval of drugs and vaccines. Emergency approval of a "fast tracked" drug and vaccine can be given without the regular course of safety testing.

December 17, 2006: Division E: The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREPA) was added as an addendum to Defense Appropriations Bill HR 2863 at 11:20p on Saturday night, long after House Committee members had signed off on the bill and gone home for the holidays.

Section (b)(1) states: The Sec of HHS can make a determination that a "disease, health condition or threat" constitutes a public health emergency. He or she may then recommend "the manufacture, testing, development, administration, or use of one or more covered counter measures…" A covered countermeasure defined as a "pandemic product, vaccine or drug."

Division E also provides complete liability protection for all drugs, vaccines or biological products deemed a "covered countermeasure" and used for an outbreak of any kind. In July, 2009, complete liability protection was extened to drug companies that included any product used for any public health emergency declared by Sec of HHS.

Pharma is now protected from all accountability, unless "criminal intent to do harm" can be proven by the injured party. They are protected from liability even if they know the drug will be harmful.

"By 1853, Parliament began passing laws to make the untested vaccine compulsory throughout the British Empire. Other countries of Europe followed suit. Once the economic implications of compulsory vaccinations were realized, few dared to disagree. Then, as now, the media were controlled by the vaccine manufacturers and the government, who stood to make huge money from the sale of these spurious vaccines."... Tim O'Shea, D.C. 

What can you do?

These are just a few suggestions; please come up with more of your own! Add to this list and spread the word.
  • Give this information to everyone you know and love.
  • Contact local first responders (EMTs, Paramedics, Fireman, etc). Tell them what is will be in the flu shots and that *they* will be the first ones to get it.
  • Contact local police and discuss concerns about mandatory vaccination. You go to church and to the grocery store with these folks and their kids play with your kids. They are not "scary" people. Take them coffee and a treat to get in the door.
  • Contact local city council members about your liberties. You need their support to maintain your right to refuse.
  • Write a small article for LOCAL, community newspapers. Watch for samples on
  • Have at least 3 weeks of food and water at your house and be prepared to voluntarily self-quarantine of given no other options.
  • Stock up on Vitamin D3 (3000 IU per person), Vitamin A, Vitamin C, etc and homeopathics for the flu
  • Check out and A pdf of their oath for easy printing is on I am sharing this with local military recruitment office, reservists and retired military people we know.
  • Connect with other activist organizations – those who support 2nd amendment issues, the environmental and animal rights. Help spread the word about their passion and get them involved with yours. 
You can't do it all, but you can do something!  
  • As stated years ago by Margaret Mead, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has."

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The Swine Flu Hoax didn’t work, the swine flu pandemic didn’t happen and you just lost 2 billion dollars of your tax paying bucks going to the corporations that make vaccines that make you sick. These vaccines did not stop the swine flu and they are still to this day unproven to work in preventing any flu. Wake up to the truth about vaccines -they have never been proven to decrease any disease, and have never been tested for cancer causing side effects. This vaccine caused more harm in destroying people’s immune system with permanent damage to babies, the old and pregnant mothers.

In the 1960’s President John F. Kennedy banned all “experimental drugs” directed at pregnant mothers and President Obama allowed this again 50 years later. What was he thinking and why did Obama get conned from his own lobbyists? Was he stupid enough not to do his homework and allow such a dangerous unproven vaccine to be freely given to targeted pregnant mothers? Was he that stupid? Yes he was. So much for learning from history President Obama, you just blew it and President Kennedy would not have considered you an intelligent person -you were conned and so was every American who blindly took this dangerous swine flu vaccine. To think you almost made it a national law for a mandatory campaign which would have surely caused a violent and riotous response.

In fact if you took the swine flu shot you just added millions of dollars to the bank accounts of the CEO’s of Baxter Drugs and that is all you did. Your government just wasted 2 billion dollars on an unproven swine flu vaccine that nobody wants or trusts.

That is 2 billion dollars that could have been spent on job creation instead of making drug company’s very very rich. Baxter drug CEO’s are laughing at you – all the way to the banks. Read it and weep and call your congress person, you can’t afford another blundered drug company campaign to spend your money on unproven drugs or vaccines.

The time for waste is over and this economic depression will continue as long as drug company’s control your corrupt politicians. This includes Republicans and Democrats alike they are all on the take for campaign contributions for the next election. The only way to break this cycle is ” election campaign contribution reform” now.

No more drug company lobbyists allowed to influence peddle their useless and damaging drugs. Obama had talked a good game during his election but even he is relying on big donations from drug company’s as he did in Chicago.

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source: anthraxvaccine blog

FDA's website provides the following somewhat contradictory information on swine flu drugs in pregnancy: Yes, they are approved, and CDC recommends their use... but No, they have not been studied in pregnant women. 

Treatment of Influenza During Pregnancy 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends women in any trimester of their pregnancy who have a suspected or confirmed influenza infection receive prompt antiviral therapy with Tamiflu (oseltamavir) or Relenza (zanamivir). 

Are Tamiflu and Relenza safe to use in pregnancy? 

Relenza and Tamiflu are both FDA approved for treatment of influenza. Both drugs have been carefully looked at to understand their safety profile in pregnancy and we are continuing to monitor them closely. For a pregnant woman and her developing baby, the benefit of any drug needs to be considered in light of the risks from the drug and the risks from not treating the disease or condition. 

Both drugs are designated "Pregnancy Category C," which means that they have not been studied in pregnant women. However, Pregnancy Category C does NOT mean the drug cannot be used in pregnant women. Pregnant women can and should receive a category C drug when the possible benefits of using the drug are more likely than the possible risk of harm to the woman or her baby.

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source: NYTimes

Nearly a million doses of swine flu vaccine for infants may have been slightly less potent than required but should work anyway, federal officials said Tuesday in announcing a recall of the shots.

The maker of the vaccine, Sanofi-Aventis, voluntarily recalled 800,000 doses of low-dose, thimerosal-free vaccine in pre-filled syringes intended for infants ages 6 months to 35 months, the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention said.

Since most of the vaccine was released a month ago, it presumably has already been used, but the recall is intended to alert doctors to return any supplies they have left.

Dr. Anne Schuchat, director of the National Centre for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said the vaccine was fully potent at release but dropped by about 12 percent in follow-up tests.

Nonetheless, Dr. Schuchat said, “we think children who got the vaccine are fully protected, assuming they got the two shots we recommend for that age.”

“We don’t think parents need to contact their doctors,” she continued.

The vaccine was the only thimerosal-free version licensed for children under 2 years old. Thimerosal is a mercury-based preservative that federal health officials consider harmless, but some parents are afraid of it because anti-vaccine activists blame it for autism and other ills.

Low doses in multidose vials, which contain thimerosal to kill any bacteria or fungus accidentally introduced by needles piercing the rubber stopper, remain available for infants.

Two-year-olds can use the nasal spray vaccine, which contains no thimerosal.

About 95 million doses in various forms are now available, Dr. Schuchat said.

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Norway - 79 People Lose Taste and Smell After H1N1 Vaccine

Posted by ObeMike Tuesday, December 15, 2009 4 comments


79 have lost their ability to taste or smell after taking the H1N1 swine flu vaccine in Norway.

Silje Marie Vatvik lost both taste and smell after taking the vaccine against swine flu. She has been sick for several weeks.

"People do not understand what it means to have taste and odor. I do not taste the food and can therefore do not want to swallow it. It inhibits me socially because I can attend dinner functions, " says Silje Marie Vatvik.

The 30-year-old who lives in Longyearbyen, was one of the first to receive the vaccine against swine flu. She worked in the department responsible for preparedness initiatives at the airport and was expected by her employer to be vaccined the same day first vaccines arrived on October 21.

"Had I not been expected to take the vaccine, I would have at least had the option, and the first thing I asked about were the side effects,", said Vatvik.

Vatvik was not prepared for what was to come after the vaccination, losing both her ability to taste and smell. She has not recovered these senses since taking the vaccine. The hospital administered many tests but the 30-year old has not responded to any of them.

"They kept all options open since it could have been a coincidence and nothing to do with the vaccine. But it was ultimately the one cause that remained," she says.

Vatvik is on sick leave indefinitely due to the illness. "I think about food all the time, have little energy and I'm irritable because I have low blood sugar," she says.

"There has been much talk about the vaccine not being tested, but it has been accepted in other countries before Norway. I know that foreign websites have been written about the loss of smell and taste associated with the vaccine, so it is strange that they were not more informed about it," said Vatvik.

When she went to the hospital, no one had heard of any similar cases. Now 79 people are suffering the same side effects notes the Norwegian Medicines Agency. They have no explanation for why some have lost their taste and smell after flu vaccine.

"It was unknown to us in advance that the loss of taste and sense of smell could be a side effect," said a spokesman from the Norwegian Medicines Agency, Steinar Madsen.

Madsen could not address why some patients suffer from the side effect. "We have no explanation for why it happens. We can not say for sure whether it has a relationship with the vaccine. There are other explanations, like that you get a viral infection while taking the vaccine," says Madsen.

When asked how long the patients it will take patients to recover, Madsen said, "I can not answer. I have talked to one patient who told me that she was well again after a couple of weeks."

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H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine...more information....

Posted by wicked blu Monday, December 14, 2009 0 comments


Science dictates that only a randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled study can generate unbiased results in any clinical trial. In the history of vaccine development, no such study has ever been performed. It is only unscientific opinions and pharmaceutical propaganda which have propelled the mythological validity, safety and effectiveness of vaccines. Dozens of controlled studies have scientifically verified the immunotoxicty, neurotoxicity and sterility of common vaccine ingredients which destroy human health, yet they are all ignored by conventional medicine.

There should be a public outcry and challenge to every public health official, medical specialist or scientist (from any country) who justifies the inoculation of their population without providing the evidence of safety and effectiveness of the respective H1N1 vaccine in their country.

The public should be demanding that their governments materialize at least one vaccine trial which is randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled that can scientifically validate the assertions of public health officials.

Since the pharmacokinetic properties of vaccines are not studied, vaccine manufacturers cannot deny any of the toxic effects listed below. The reason they never analyze the absorption, distribution, metabolism or excretion of these ingredients is because it would eradicate the vaccine industry. However the individual effects of each ingredient and their toxic effects on cells are well documented.

Every Physician, Nurse or medical personnel who administers the H1N1 vaccine (or any vaccine) should be asking themselves why they are injecting the following ingredients into patients that have been scientifically proven to cause immunotoxicity, neurotoxicity, sterility and cancer: 

Novartis Focetria Adjuvanted H1N1
Influenza Vaccine Ingredients/Toxicity
Polysorbate 80: Sterilie Agent

Squalene: Neurotoxin
Thimerosal: Neurotoxin  

Novartis H1N1 Monovalent Influenza Vaccine Ingredients/Toxicity
Polymyxin: Neurotoxin
Neomycin: Immunotoxin
Thimerosal: Neurotoxin  

GlaxoSmithKline Arepanrix Adjuvanted
H1N1 Influenza Vaccine Ingredients/Toxicity

Formaldehyde : Carcinogen
Polysorbate 80: Sterilie Agent
Squalene: Neurotoxin
Thimerosal: Neurotoxin 

GlaxoSmithKline Pandemrix Adjuvanted
H1N1 Influenza Vaccine Ingredients/Toxicity

Octoxynol 10: Immunotoxin
Polysorbate 80: Sterilie Agent
Squalene: Neurotoxin
Thimerosal: Neurotoxin 

GlaxoSmithKline Fluarix 2009-2010

Formaldehyde : Carcinogen
Octoxynol 10: Immunotoxin

Polysorbate 80: Sterilie Agent
Formaldehyde : Carcinogen
Polyethylene Glycol: Systemic Toxin
Thimerosal: Neurotoxin 

MedImmune H1N1 Vaccine Ingredients/Toxicity
Gentamicin Sulfate: Nephrotoxic
Formaldehyde : Carcinogen
Polysorbate 80: Sterilie Agent
Thimerosal: Neurotoxin 

CSL PANVAX H1N1 Vaccine Ingredients/Toxicity
Beta-Propiolactone: Carcinogen
Neomycin: Immunotoxin
Sodium Taurodeoxycholate: Carcinogen/Immunotoxin
Polymyxin: Neurotoxin
Thimerosal: Neurotoxin 

CSL Afluria H1N1 Influenza Vaccine Ingredients/Toxicity
Neomycin Sulfate: Immunotoxin
Polymyxin B: Neurotoxin
Sodium Taurodeoxycholate: Carcinogen/Immunotoxin
Thimerosal: Neurotoxin

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When it comes to selling chemicals that claim to treat H1N1 swine flu, the pharmaceutical industry's options are limited to two: Vaccines and anti-virals. The most popular anti-viral, by far, is Tamiflu, a drug that's actually derived from a Traditional Chinese Medicine herb called star anise.

But Tamiflu is no herb. It's a potentially fatal concentration of isolated chemical components that have essentially been bio-pirated from Chinese medicine. And when you isolate and concentrate specific chemicals in these herbs, you lose the value (and safety) of full-spectrum herbal medicine.

That didn't stop Tamiflu's maker, Roche, from trying to find a multi-billion-dollar market for its drug. In order to tap into that market, however, Roche needed to drum up some evidence that Tamiflu was both safe and effective. 

Roche engages in science fraud

Admissions by people who catch the flu and then get put on Tamiflu.
Roche claims there are ten studies providing Tamiflu is both safe and effective. According to the company, Tamiflu has all sorts of benefits, including a 61% reduction in hospital
The problem with these claims is that they aren't true. They were simply invented by Roche.

A groundbreaking article recently published in the British Medical Journal accuses Roche of misleading governments and physicians over the benefits of Tamiflu. Out of the ten studies cited by Roche, it turns out, only two were ever published in science journals. And where is the original data from those two studies? Lost. 

The data has disappeared. Files were discarded. The researcher of one study says he never even saw the data. Roche took care of all that, he explains.

So the Cochrane Collaboration, tasked with reviewing the data behind Tamiflu, decided to investigate. After repeated requests to Roche for the original study data, they remained stonewalled. The only complete data set they received was from an unpublished study of 1,447 adults which showed that Tamiflu was no better than placebo. Data from the studies that claimed Tamiflu was effective was apparently lost forever.

As The Atlantic reports, that's when former employees of Adis International (essentially a Big Pharma P.R. company) shocked the medical world by announcing they had been hired to ghost-write the studies for Roche.

It gets even better: These researchers were told what to write by Roche! 

As one of these ghostwriters told the British Medical Journal:

"The Tamiflu accounts had a list of key messages that you had to get in. It was run by the [Roche] marketing department and you were answerable to them. In the introduction ...I had to say what a big problem influenza is. I'd also have to come to the conclusion that Tamiflu was the answer."

In other words, the Roche marketing department ran the science and told researchers what conclusions to draw from the clinical trials. Researchers hired to conduct the science were controlled by the marketing puppeteers. No matter what they found in the science, they had already been directed to reach to conclusion that "Tamiflu was the answer."

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64 People Die in Japan After Getting Swine Flu Jab

Posted by ObeMike Thursday, December 10, 2009 0 comments

source: theflucase 

A total of 64 people have died in Japan as of December 8th after receiving the swine flu shot, according to a report in the newspaper Mainichi. 

One teenage boy died immediately after taking the shot. 

Another man was found dead in his home four days after he received a swine flu jab.
He complained of stomach ache and vomitted and died later at home on his own.
His doctor stated his death was not linked with H1N1 flu shot and that the side effect of the shot was only a stomach ache. 

In addtion, there have been many reports of deaths related to Tamiflu in Japan, including young people falling to their deaths from their appartment after taking Tamiflu, violent and irrational actions and hallucinations. 

But while the Japanese corporate media appears to downplay the side effects of the swine flu jab and of Tamiflu, it exaggerates the threat of the mild swine flu. 

Accoording to Sankei news on November 27th, more than 100,000 people have been infected with swine flu in Japan. The total number of deaths caused by the siwne flu is over 100 people, it is maintained. 

The Japanse government completed the first phase of its mass vaccination programme in the middle of November, after giving 450,000 people the jab. 

Children and pregnant women were given the priority groups vaccinated using a swine flu vaccine made in Japan.

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For those of you who are interested in the company behind the swine flu vaccine have a look at Glaxo Smith Kline’s directors list. It makes fascinating reading and you can cross reference a few of the directors regarding some interesting events and positions they hold. If you can add anymore information to this please contact

Even though Liam Donaldson is not on the directors list we feel you need to have some information regarding this man.

Sir Liam Donaldson – Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Department of Health

This man approved Mercury & Squalene to be in the injection to be given to pregnant women & children, he is also the chair of the WHO (World Health Organization) Patient Safety Secretariat.

Now on to the directors.

James Murdoch - Son of Rupert Murdoch
CEO of News International Ltd who is ideally placed to control propaganda regarding the swine Flu & the vaccine. James Murdoch was appointed to the board of directors of Glaxo SmithKline PLC 20th May 2009.

Sir Roy Anderson (Scientist) – sits on the governments SAGE committee and is a director of Glaxo SmithKline the purveyors of the swine flu vaccine to H.M Government with a nice little pay packet of £116k a year, at least a quarter of what he receives from his shares ….hold on surely this amounts to a ‘conflict of interests’.

SAGE (Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies) recommends that everyone should have the yet untested, unsafe and toxic Swine Flu Vaccine.

See original article and directors list here

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source: L.A.Times

A major controversy about the efficacy of the antiviral agent Tamiflu in treating influenza has erupted in the online version of BMJ, formerly known as the British Medical Journal. A team from the prestigious Cochrane Review says that its analysis of published data about clinical trials of the drug, known generically as oseltamivir, shows that the drug is able to reduce the course of an influenza infection by a day but that they are unable to conclude that the drug is effective at reducing complications and hospitalizations caused by flu because they do not have access to key data from eight clinical trials sponsored by the drug's manufacturer, Roche Laboratories Inc. In a commentary accompanying the report, BMJ editor Fiona Godlee said, "Governments around the world have spent billions of pounds on a drug that the scientific community now finds itself unable to judge."

In a response, Roche officials said that the data from the eight trials simply duplicated the results from published trials and did not provide enough new information to justify publication. The company also said that all of the data were submitted to the Food and Drug Administration and other regulatory agencies when the company sought approval to market the drug and that those agencies found it convincing. Roche also said it would post the eight disputed trials on a password-protected website so that researchers would have access to it — although that has not occurred yet.

Although the controversy involves trials of the drug against seasonal influenza, the debate has particular significance now because Tamiflu is the primary tool used in combating pandemic H1N1 influenza in the face of poor availability of the swine flu vaccine. In response to the new findings, both the World Heatlh Organizaton and the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention said they would continue to stand by their guidelines for use of the drug, arguing that it is not a good tool for prophylaxis against the swine flu virus but that it does provide benefit in reducing complications. 

The Cochrane Review is a nonprofit British organizaton that specializes in independently reviewing published trials on drug efficacy to determine whether the medications are effective. In a 2005 review of Tamiflu and a 2008 update, a group headed by Tom Jefferson of the Cochrane Collaboration's Acute Respiratory Infections Group in Rome concluded that the drug was effective in reducing influenza complications. But a letter from Japanese pediatrician Keiji Hayashi this summer questioned its conclusion, arguing that the team had not actually seen much of the data on which they were basing its conclusion. Hayashi was concerned about the side effects of the drug, which include insomnia, nausea, bad dreams, abdominal pain, headache and a rare neuropsychiatric disease that caused some users to attempt to harm themselves. Such side effects might be tolerated if the drug was effective, but not otherwise. Hayashi was particularly concerned because Japan consumes more than 60% of the world production of the drug.

Under Cochrane rules, the team had six months to respond to Hayashi.

Jefferson attempted to obtain data from the trials, but the situation took a strange turn when the request was made through England's Channel 4 News, which was also investigating the efficacy of Tamiflu. Eventually, Roche agreed to provide the data, providing Jefferson would sign a confidentiality agreement preventing its publication. He refused, and negotiations reached an impasse. Meanwhile, the six-month deadline was nearing its expiration, and Jefferson's team decided to publish its findings without considering the data from the eight studies. And without those studies, they could not reach any conclusions about the effectiveness of the drug.

Roche also provided BMJ with some data about observational studies of Tamiflu, which the group forwarded to Dr. Nick Freemantle and Dr. Melanie Calvert of the University of Birmingham. Reviewing the data, they concluded that "oseltamivir may reduce the risk of pneumonia in otherwise healthy people who contract flu. However, the absolute benefit is small, and side effects and safety should also be considered."

Jefferson's team and BMJ had other concerns about the clinical studies, including original documents that cited Roche employees whose names did not appear on the final papers and the use of professional writers to help produce published papers. Roche made a point-by-point response to their concerns in an online statement. The company also noted that it was standard industry practice 10 years ago, when the studies appeared, not to publish all results from clinical trials and to employ professional writers whose names did not appear on published reports. The company said that its policies have since changed and that it now publishes all new data online and acknowledges all contributions to written reports.

The final conclusions from the brouhaha: It probably doesn't hurt to treat patients with severe flu complications with Tamiflu, and it may help. But the drug should not be used in an effort to prevent infection among people who have been exposed to the virus or in those who have only very mild infections.

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