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Bill Gates is promoting a plan to use wireless technology to register every newborn on the planet in a vaccine database.

In a keynote address to the mHealth Summit, which focuses on using mobile technology to improve health care, Gates said that improving survival rates among children under the age of 5 would benefit not just individual families, but societies and the planet as a whole.

"The key thing, the most important fact that people should know and make sure other people know: As you save children under 5, that is the thing that reduces population growth," he said. "That sounds paradoxical. The fact is that within a decade of improving health outcomes, parents decide to have less children."

The number of children who die before their fifth birthday has already dropped from 20 million in 1960 to 8.5 million today, a statistic Gates attributes mostly to vaccination.

"About one-third [of that improvement] is by increasing income," Gates said. "The majority has been through vaccines. Vaccines will be the key. If you could register every birth on a cell phone -- get fingerprints, get a location -- then you could [set up] systems to make sure the immunizations happen."

Gates suggested using cell phones to record each birth and send the information, including biometric identifiers, to a central database. This database would then send reminders to parents' phones when it was time to come in for vaccines or other treatments. He said a prime location to implement such programs would be northern Nigeria or northern India, where vaccination rates are less than 50 percent.

Acknowledging that registering every single birth has never been done before, Gates called for "1,000 new ideas" to "blossom" in order to make it happen.

Such ideas could conceivably involve using the GPS devices inside phones to physically track parents who do not bring their children in for vaccines.

Gates also called for use of mobile technology to implement more continuous monitoring of vaccine supply chains.

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Source: www.naturalnews.com

Controversy over the safety of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine has led to a resolution to end mandates requiring young girls to receive it. If passed by the Virginia state Senate, a bill recently passed by the Virginia House of Delegates will end mandates put into place in 2007 requiring 11- and 12-year-old girls to receive the HPV vaccine before entering sixth grade.

"We just want to make sure parents are evaluating the risks of what they're giving their daughters, and not a legislative body," said Del. Kathy J. Byron (R-Lynchburg), sponsor of the bill. "I don't think that we have the medical degree to make those decisions."

The House voted 61-33 to end the mandate, leaving only Washington D.C. with HPV vaccine mandates. Texas Gov. Rick Perry attempted to mandate the HPV vaccine for young girls in 2007 through an executive order, but lawmakers effectively blocked it.

Merck and Co.'s Gardasil and GlaxoSmithKline's Cervarix are the two HPV vaccines approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for preventing certain types of cervical cancer. But both vaccines have a long and dirty history of causing severe harm and death in girls that have received them.

Not only are the HPV vaccines a considerable threat to young girls' health, but a NaturalNews investigation revealed in 2007 that they do not even work. According to the evidence, the FDA knew since at least 2003 that HPV is not even linked to cervical cancer, but has continued to collude with drug companies to push the dangerous vaccine on the nation's youth.

There are also numerous cases of serious adverse events and deaths in girls that have received the vaccine, including 1,300 negative reactions to Cervarix in the U.K. (http://www.naturalnews.com/026293_H...), and numerous deaths both in the U.S. and abroad from both vaccines (http://www.naturalnews.com/029632_I...).

To learn more about the dangers of HPV vaccines, visit:

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Source: www.naturalnews.com

New documents have emerged that clear Dr Andrew Wakefield of the allegations of fraud recently made by the British Medical Journal and its reporter Brian Deer. This new evidence "completely negates the allegations that I committed scientific
fraud. Brian Deer and Dr. Godlee of the British Medical Journal (BMJ) knew or should
have known about the facts set out below before publishing their false allegations," says Dr Andrew Wakefield (see sources, below).

Newly-revealed documents show that on December 20th, 1996, a meeting of The Inflammatory Bowel Disease Study Group based at the Royal Free Hospital Medical School featured a presentation by Professor Walker-Smith on seven of the children who would later become part of the group of patients Dr Wakefield wrote about in his 1998 The Lancet paper (which was later retracted by The Lancet).

Remember, Dr Wakefield has been accused of completely fabricating his findings about these same children in his 1998 paper, but these documents reveal that fourteen months before Dr Wakefield's paper was published, two other researchers -- Professor Walker-Smith and Dr Amar Dhillon -- independently documented the same problems in these children, including symptoms of autism.

Thus, Dr Wakefield could not have "fabricated" these findings as alleged by the British Medical Journal, which now finds itself in the position of needing to issue a retraction, or it must now expand its accusations of fraud to include Professor Walker-Smith and Dr Dhillon... essentially, the BMJ must now insist that a "conspiracy of fraud" existed among at least these three researchers, and possibly more, in order to back up its allegation that Dr Wakefield's study results were fabricated.

The smoking-gun evidence

Professor Walker-Smith's 1996 presentation at the Royal Free Hospital Medical School was entitled, "Entero-colitis and Disintegrative Disorder Following MMR - A Review of the First Seven Cases."

His presentation notes began with the following text: "“I wish today, to present some preliminary details concerning seven children, all boys, who appear to have entero-colitis and disintegrative disorder, probably autism, following MMR. I shall now briefly present
their case history [sic]."

He then went on to detail the clinical history of these seven children as derived from his medical team as well as senior pathologist Dr Amar Dhillon. Importantly, Dr Andrew Wakefield was not part of this investigation. This means that Dr Wakefield's findings were independently replicated by another medical research team.

The British Medical Journal's accusations against Dr Wakefield -- that he fabricated his findings -- are therefore false. The mainstream media accusation that Dr Wakefield's findings have "never been replicated" is also blatantly false.

Here are the notes on the seven children, as presented in 1996, 14 months BEFORE Dr Wakefield published his landmark paper in The Lancet:

Child 1. Immediate reaction to MMR with fever at 1 [corrected, illegible]
Rapid deterioration in behaviour - autism
Histology active chronic inflammation in caecum
Treated Asacol

Child 2. MMR at 15 months - head banging 2 weeks later.
Hyperactive from 18 months.
Endoscopy - aphthoid ulcer at hepatic flexure
Caecum: lymphoid nodular hyperplasia with erythematous rim and pale swollen
Histology, Ileum mild inflammation, colon moderate inflammation
Acute and chronic inflammation.
Treated CT3211 [a dietary treatment]

Child 3. ? dysmorphism - chromosomes and normal development
MMR at 5 months [sic]
Measles at 2.5 years* - 1 month later change in behavior
Hyperactive with food
Colonoscopy - granular rectum, normal colon and lymphoid nodular
Histopathology: lymphoid nodular hyperplasia.
Increased eosinophils 5/5 mild increase in inflammatory cells (Dhillon)
Routine normal
[* correction: he received measles vaccine first at approximately 15 months of
age and MMR at 2.5. years]

Child 4 (2). Reacted to triple vaccine 4 months - screaming and near cot death
MMR at 15 months - behaviour changed after 1 week.
“measles rash” week before
Endoscopy - minor abnormalities of vascular pattern
Histology - non-specific proctocolitis**

Child 5 (3). MMR at 14 months.
Second day after, fever and rash, bangs head and behaviour abnormal
Endoscopy - Lymphoid nodular hyperplasia
Histopathology: Marked increase in IEL’s [intraepithelial lymphocytes] in ileum
with chronic inflammatory cells in reactive follicles. Increase in inflammatory cells in colon and IELs increased.

Child 6 (7). MMR - 16 months - no obvious reaction
2 years behavioral change - 2.5 years
Screaming attacks - / food related
Endoscopy - Lymphoid nodular hyperplasia terminal ileum
Histology - Prominent lymphoid follicles
Dhillon: moderate to marked increase in IEL’s, increase in chronic inflammatory
cells throughout the colon - superficial macrophages not quite granuloma
Child 78. MMR 14 months
16 months “growling voice”
18 months - behavioural changes - autism diagnosed at 3 years
Barium [follow through X ray] 5 cm tight stricture [proximal] to insertion of
terminal ileum
Endoscopy- prominent lymphoid follicle in ileum
Mild proctitis with granular mucosa
Ileum - reactive follicles
Colon - bifid forms, increased IEL’s
Slight increase in inflammatory cells

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Child Flu Vaccine Seizures?

Posted by wicked blu Wednesday, January 26, 2011 0 comments

Source: wwww.cbsnews.com

More confusing news for parents trying to do the best, safest things for their children when it comes to vaccination.

According to a Vaccine Safety "update" issued by the FDA on Jan. 20, there's been an increase in reports of febrile seizures among infants and children following this year's flu vaccine. Febrile seizures are seizures associated with fever.

FDA and CDC have recently detected an increase in the number of reports to VAERS of febrile seizures following vaccination with Fluzone (trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine or TIV, manufactured by Sanofi Pasteur, Inc.). Fluzone is the only influenza vaccine recommended for use for the 2010-2011 flu season in infants and children 6-23 months of age. These reported febrile seizures have primarily been seen in children younger than 2 years of age."

The FDA points out that data from VAERS, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, is preliminary and serves as a sign that further investigation is warranted. The maker of the flu vaccine in question, Sanofi Pasteur, has issued a statement saying that no clear link has been established between the flu shot and the seizures, and the cases may be nothing more than coincidence?!

Even with "no clear link established," the mere suggestion of a link may be very troubling to parents.

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Bill Gates Wants Depopulation Through Vaccines and Health Care

Posted by wicked blu Tuesday, January 18, 2011 0 comments

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Source: www.naturalnews.com

Like a medical house of cards in an earthquake, the seasonal flu vaccine mythology is collapsing right before our eyes. After months of urging everyone to get vaccinated (and blaming non-vaccinated people for skipping out on their "public health obligation"), UK health authorities announced last week that "healthy people" were to blame for causing a vaccine shortage that they claim now threatens the lives of sick children (http://www.naturalnews.com/030977_v...).

As part of this ruse, they even suggested that pharmacies should be banned from selling flu vaccines to healthy people, explaining that healthy people didn't really need them anyway.

So much for the big flu vaccine delusion that "everybody needs a vaccine." As UK health authorities are now blatantly admitting, that was all just a fairy tale that crumpled the instant they ran out of excess vaccine inventory.

Now, what we really know about the vaccine industry is that the marketing motto goes something like this: When vaccines are in short supply, only sell them to people who need them. When vaccines are in abundant supply, sell them to people who don't need them.

Doctors order a halt to flu vaccines for children

The seasonal flu vaccine delusion looks even more ridiculous in light of the new marching orders from UK health authorities who, just three days ago, announced that seasonal flu mass vaccination programs for children should be halted.

The decision comes from the North West Strategic Health Authority (SHA), which reversed its decision to "vaccinate all children" announced two weeks ago. That original decision to vaccinate all children was derived from vaccine-propaganda "research" published in The Lancet -- the same medical journal that pushes an aggressive vaccine agenda while simultaneously pursuing a modern-day witch hunt against Dr Andrew Wakefield, the researcher who demonstrated a correlation between vaccines and autism.

Many parents, who have been indoctrinated by the UK press into believing the quack science behind seasonal flu vaccines, are now freaking out and wondering how they're going to "protect" their children from the flu. The thought of feeding their children good nutrition, vitamin D supplements and organic fresh food never occurred to them, apparently. In an age where medicinal food is outlawed while interventionist vaccines are pushed as "medicine," a surprisingly large number of adults remain utterly ignorant of how to protect the health of their children without turning to pharmaceuticals.

Mass vaccinations don't work well, even according to vaccine proponents

While all this is going on, a new theoretical approach to stopping the spread of seasonal flu has emerged from the field of quantum physics, where three physicists from Michigan State University and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem devised a new vaccination approach that accelerates the "natural extinction" of the virus through what they call "selective vaccination."

They found that the practice of mass vaccination is scientifically unnecessary (and that's even if you believe that seasonal flu vaccines work at all). Their work is based on the established scientific fact that every strain of influenza becomes extinct on its own, even if nobody is vaccinated. Their targeted vaccine approach models the timing of vaccines after seasonal variations in infections while also taking into account the relative vulnerability factors among different groups (children, adults, seniors, etc.).

Professor Baruch Meerson explains that vaccinating just a few percent of the vulnerable population is all that's required to significantly shorten the natural "burn out" time of an infectious flu. You can find more details on this paper at: http://www.huji.ac.il/cgi-bin/dovru...

The upshot of this research is that mathematical modeling shows that mass vaccination programs are wasteful, expensive and ineffective.

People who receive vaccines die from the flu anyway

Perhaps the most obvious example of the shattered illusions of the flu vaccine fairy tale is the fact that people who get flu vaccines still die from the flu.

Case in point: A UK grandmother who received a flu vaccine several months ago died last week from the flu (http://www.naturalnews.com/031010_s...).

She was 68 years old and her doctor said that she would be protected from the flu by the flu shot. But she was lied to because it turns out that flu vaccines don't offer 100% protection against the flu. In fact, they don't offer 50% protection... nor even 10% protection.

Statistically speaking, for every 100 people who get a flu shot, 99 people demonstrate no benefit whatsoever (http://www.naturalnews.com/029641_v...).

In addition, there's the issue of the re-infection rate of those who are vaccinated: How many people who catch the flu are already vaccinated against it? The flu vaccine industry won't say. They don't want people to know the astonishing truth that most people who catch the flu are the very same people who have been vaccinated against the flu!

Food supplements work better to prevent flu and cold symptoms

Even while the mythology behind seasonal flu vaccines is crumbling, new evidence is emerging that food-based nutritional supplements really work to prevent flu infections.

An 8-month, 500-person study carried out by the Institute of Social Medicine, Epidemiology and Health Economics reveals that Juice Plus+ supplements resulted in a 20 percent decrease in moderate and severe cold symptoms in test subjects.

This study has now been published in the British Journal of Nutrition and was based on a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.

Juice Plus+ supplements, by the way, are also loaded with literally thousands of phytonutrients (plant-based medicines) that support human health in a multitude of ways. These nutrients help protect the human body from heart disease, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, depression, liver disorders and even Alzheimer's disease. Although I'm not personally involved in the Juice Plus company, I do support their product line and hope to report more about Juice Plus in the future.

The collapse of the vaccine delusion is accelerating

I wouldn't have predicted this a year ago, but it's now clear that the seasonal flu vaccine delusion is collapsing more quickly than ever. This is probably the reason the vaccine industry now appears so frantically desperate to destroy the careers of any doctors or scientists who question conventional vaccine dogma. The recent series of outrageous attacks on Dr Andrew Wakefield -- by an industry that is itself steeped in corruption and fraud -- is perhaps the most relevant example.

Medical journals are actually rewriting history to remove any studies that document the harm caused by vaccines. (This is, of course, classic Orwellian maneuvering via the Ministry of Truth.) The mass media, which of course is funded in large part by the pharmaceutical industry, is going along with the demonization of vaccine opponents, further spreading the quackery and subterfuge that defines the modern-day vaccine industry.

But even their most desperate attempts to deny scientific reality will ultimately fail, and I predict the vaccine industry as we know it today will ultimately be revealed as the greatest medical fraud ever perpetrated on the human race. Before long, seasonal flu vaccine pushers will rightly be labeled "quacks" are derided as unintelligent, non-scientific lapdogs of the vaccine industry.

How will all this unfold? The most likely scenario involves a deadly, fast-spreading viral pandemic that turns out to be especially deadly only to those who have been vaccinated. (Vaccines actually weaken the immune response to future epidemics.)

After tens of millions of people die across the planet, the truth will become clear: Vaccines actually create the perfect storm of long-term vulnerabilities for a global pandemic wipeout of the human population.

But perhaps that's the whole point to begin with. Vaccines are remarkably effective as population control medications. As Bill Gates famously said, "The world today has 6.8 billion people... that's headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent."

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Source: www.naturalnews.com

Bill Gates is promoting a plan to use wireless technology to register every newborn on the planet in a vaccine database.

In a keynote address to the mHealth Summit, which focuses on using mobile technology to improve health care, Gates said that improving survival rates among children under the age of 5 would benefit not just individual families, but societies and the planet as a whole.

"The key thing, the most important fact that people should know and make sure other people know: As you save children under 5, that is the thing that reduces population growth," he said. "That sounds paradoxical. The fact is that within a decade of improving health outcomes, parents decide to have less children."

The number of children who die before their fifth birthday has already dropped from 20 million in 1960 to 8.5 million today, a statistic Gates attributes mostly to vaccination.

"About one-third [of that improvement] is by increasing income," Gates said. "The majority has been through vaccines. Vaccines will be the key. If you could register every birth on a cell phone -- get fingerprints, get a location -- then you could [set up] systems to make sure the immunizations happen."

Gates suggested using cell phones to record each birth and send the information, including biometric identifiers, to a central database. This database would then send reminders to parents' phones when it was time to come in for vaccines or other treatments. He said a prime location to implement such programs would be northern Nigeria or northern India, where vaccination rates are less than 50 percent.

Acknowledging that registering every single birth has never been done before, Gates called for "1,000 new ideas" to "blossom" in order to make it happen.

Such ideas could conceivably involve using the GPS devices inside phones to physically track parents who do not bring their children in for vaccines.

Gates also called for use of mobile technology to implement more continuous monitoring of vaccine supply chains.

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Nine month old twins die just minutes after measles vaccination

Posted by wicked blu Thursday, January 13, 2011 0 comments

Source: www.naturalnews.com

A pair of nine-month old twin girls died within minutes of being given a measles vaccine at a private clinic in Ghaziabad, India.

The girls were taken by their uncle, Akhil Sharma, to receive a measles vaccine at the Divya Nursing Home.

"I took them for the vaccination around 6 p.m. on Wednesday," Sharma said. "They were given the vaccination around 7:15 pm. In 15 minutes, the children started breathing heavily."

When the first girl began to experience distress -- breathing heavily and vomiting -- her sister had not yet been vaccinated. Sharma asked the doctor to hold off on vaccinating the second girl, but he insisted on going ahead. The second girl went into distress, and both girls lost consciousness.

"Even as the condition of one of my daughters deteriorated, the doctor told us that we need not worry since it was a normal reaction to the vaccine," the girls' father, Sunil Sharma, said. "The deteriorating condition of the baby did not deter him from administering the vaccine to my other daughter."

The doctor then transferred the girls to another hospital and vanished. The girls went into critical condition and their family rushed them to a third hospital.

"We took the twins to Ganesh Hospital in Nehru Nagar where doctors again declared them dead," Sunil Sharma said. "Then we informed the police, and handed over the bodies and lodged the complaint at Kavi Nagar police station."

"I have given orders to seal the hospital and take samples of the vaccine," said SSP Raghubir Lal. "We have approached the Chief Medical Officer to probe the incident."

The cause of death has not yet been determined.

"We have sent the viscera of both the babies for forensic examination and a central government team is also examining the case," Chief Medical Officer A.K. Dhawan said.

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Source: NaturalNews.com

A member of We Are Change Chicago (WACC), a grassroots peace and social justice movement, was assaulted and arrested on Nov. 6, 2010, for questioning Dr. Oz about vaccine safety following a health expo. Oz and his entourage were walking through Millennium Park in Chicago when a WACC member began asking Oz questions. Oz politely responded, but after a few minutes, a man in Oz'z group physically grabbed and pushed the WACC member aside. The WACC member responded by calling the police, but upon their arrival they falsely arrested him instead of the perpetrator.

The incident began when the WACC member began to ask Oz about the safety of toxic chemicals like mercury found in vaccines. Oz responds by denying that the chemicals are toxic, insisting that foods like fish have more mercury than vaccines. The WACC member continues to question Oz about the negative side effects of vaccines, to which Oz responds that such side effects are to be expected since "all medicines have side effects."

Oz concedes that nobody should be forced to take vaccines because of these side effects, but that they are part of the package when getting vaccinated. Oz then states that his wife would "rather get sick" than presumably get vaccinated. A few moments later, one of the men in Oz's group begins to push the WACC member. The WACC member tells the man not to touch him and continues to try to ask more questions. But a second man in Oz's group tells the first man who pushed the WACC member to "get this guy out of here."

The assaulter grabs and pulls aside the WACC member who repeatedly tells him not to touch him. The assaulter insists that he is a cop, and the WACC member asks his name, but the man does not provide a name or any credentials. The WACC member finally calls the police, who eventually arrive only to take the side of the assaulter. They fail to question any of the witnesses, and instead trick the WACC member into coming over to their squad car for questioning, only to frisk and arrest him.

Officers do not read the WACC member his rights, and they refuse to tell him who he is being accused of assaulting. They proceed to hold him in custody for ten hours, deliberately prolonging his processing, according to reports. He is finally released, but the assaulting officer is not held responsible for his violating actions.

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The purpose of this site is to bring to your attention the dangers of all vaccines, pharmaceutical drugs and some of the severe effects they can have on you as a human being.

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